
Cards are a feature unlocked by defeating T9, The Exile. Over time, cards will drop into your deck. Each card has a type, rarity, tier, and mayo cost. Upon casting a card, it will consume the listed mayo and provide a permanent bonus to the listed feature.

Card Example

In this card, the 7 in the top left is the card tier, the 2, 1, and 1 on the right are the mayo costs. PP Gain is the card type, and crappy is the rarity. All 4 of these factors contribute to the overall effect being +0.494% pp gain. The base time for a card to drop is 1 hour, but you can decrease this with perks/quirks/wishes.

Card Types

A card’s type determines what type of bonus the card will give you upon casting. There are 14 types: Energy NGU Speed, Magic NGU Speed, Wandoos Speed, Augment Speed, Time Machine Speed, Hack Speed, Wish Speed, Attack/Defense, Adventure Stats, Drop Chance, Gold Drops, Daycare Speed, PP Gain, and QP Gain.

Card Rarity

A card’s rarity is a multiplier to the overall effect of a card. The rarity multiplier ranges from 0.8-1.2. The 7 card rarities and their multipliers are as follows:

Hot Damn1.19-1.2

Card Tier

A card’s tier is another multiplier to the overall effect of a card, which is dependent on the card type. All card types start at tier 1, but with Tier Up perks/quirks/wishes, you can increase the tier for a given card type permanently. Once a card tier has been increased, all future cards spawning with that card type will spawn with the new tier. For example, if a player with tier 2 PP gain cards in their inventory purchases a PP card Tier Up, the cards in their inventory will not change, but any future PP gain cards that drop will drop at tier 3.

The value of tier upgrades is different based on card type. Certain types (e.g. A/D, Drop Chance) scale very well with tiers, while others (e.g. Wishes/Hacks) do not grow too much between tiers (For more details, see the wiki page for card tiers). Due to the random nature of the other factors, the main method of increasing card gains is to obtain Tier Ups.


Mayo is the currency/resource used to cast cards. Each card drops with a random mayo cost, split across the six mayo types. In order to cast a card, you must have enough of each mayo. In order to generate mayo, go to the bottom left of the cards menu, and check the box corresponding to the type of mayo you want. The base time for a mayo to generate is one hour, but this can be decreased with mayo speed upgrade perks/quirks/wishes.

Note: Mayo generators can be obtained through AP purchases/perks/quirks/wishes. Generators allow you to produce multiple types of mayo simultaneously, however the time required to produce mayo is also multiplied by the number of generators running (e.g. running 2 mayo generators will make each mayo take 2 hours to produce, 3 mayo gen’s will take 3 hours each). Generators do provide a permanent 2% mayo speed, but this speed buff is considered negligible for the cost. Generators are mostly considered QoL upgrades.


Tags allow the player to impact what card types are going to drop in their deck. In the “Tag Panel” on the top left of the Cards interface, checkboxes are listed next to each of the card types. These boxes can be checked to tag a card, which increases the chance that a card will be of that type. At the start, the player has one tag slot, and the increased chance will be 10%. Both the number of tag slots and the chances of drawing a tagged card can be increased. There is no penalty for tagging multiple card types, it is encouraged to use all your available tag slots.